Heroes of Hiraeth was created to tell the story of the inhabitants of the land of Hiraeth. The stories span across all the different Eras, following different characters and factions through their histories and storylines. Creating and expanding on our deep lore.
We try to offer various forms of story telling across different platforms. We have short stories and quests on discord, audiobooks on spotify and videos on Youtube. We also have our first printed book on it's way very soon!
The novel begins during the Fourth Era of Hiraeth
Heroes of Hiraeth
Book 1
What secrets could a battered old book really hold?
The Ballads of Balendu
A Bards Adventure
A guide to the spells and potions of Hiraeth
Potions & Sorcery
A Druids Guide
Follow the adventures of princess Klairestelle
Graphic novel
Catching Klairestelle
Maps of the lands and kingdoms throughout the Eras
Maps of Hiraeth
Historical Maps
A handy guide to the Flora and Fauna of Hiraeth
Flora & Fauna
A Herbologists Guide